The other day we had the same reading from 1st Samuel that we heard this morning - of the call of Samuel. We also heard today of the call of Andrew and his brother Simon. I reflected upon "the Call" at that time.
But key to the call is the NAME that is spoken. We are called by name. Unless we know our name, who we are, we can not be sure who it is that the Lord is calling.
From our earliest moments of encounter with the Lord in baptism, we are asked our name, or our parents are asked what name they have given us. It is that name, which the Lord has known us by from our mother's womb, by which we have our identity. Names are meant to identify us and to describe us, describing who we are and what we are about. When Jesus changed the name of Simon to Cephas, he did so because Cephas (Peter, as it is rendered) also means ROCK ... and upon this rock Jesus would build his Church. The angel Gabriel gave the name Jesus to Mary for her child, a name that describes who he is and what he is to do ... to save his people.
I am reading the fantasy novel "Inheritance" by Christopher Paolini. Within the past few days, two references regarding names came to light. A warrior, Roran, and his wife, Katrina were saying their good-bye's before he left for battle. She was with child. He made her promise, that if he did not return, she would give the child, whether boy or girl, a strong name - for in the difficult world in which they lived, a strong name would be a gift for the child. In another instance, Eragon, the main character and a dragon rider, and his dragon, Saphira, in order to find the only way to defeat the enemy before them, needed to reflect and soul search and delve deep within their beings to find their "real names" - that which describes them. It was no easy task, but when accomplished, they knew who they were and that power gave them the edge in their struggle. Examples in literature that describe the importance of NAME.
In real life, knowing your name, knowing yourself (as the Greek philosopher encouraged) is a power that opens you to the marvels placed before you by God. The Call of God to whatever vocation in life that he has in store for you, comes with a name, a grace, a mission, and an abiding love. When we hear that Call, given to us by Name, and when we say YES, great things are bound to happen.
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