Yesterday we celebrated the last day of school for this school year at Queen of Angels. Three of the four priests were able to concelebrate the closing Mass, with good messages being shared by the two Father Johns - Fathers John Moineau and John Harrold. The outgoing second grade were recognized for this very important and outstanding sacramental year, and the outgoing seventh grade was recognized for their leadership and contribution to the school family. It is great to see the change in the youngsters as they grow and develop even within the course of a school year.
After the kids were dismissed, the faculty and staff gathered for a luncheon, where I had the opportunity once again of thanking them for their dedicated commitment to Catholic education and to the youngsters at Queen of Angels. This was, as I mentioned before, the 20th year of our existence as a Regional Catholic School, and while the challenges are always there, the results are as well, and we are proud.
So, with school out, please be extra careful in your driving as we watch out for the safety of the kids. Relax and enjoy the summer, which goes by all too quickly. Summer is a time for recreation, which means "re-creation". Be re-created, be refreshed and be renewed.
Later that day I went to the movies to see "Snow White and the Huntsman". It is definitely not the Snow White of children's lore nor that of Disney, but it was entertaining and fairly good, although very dark and adult in nature, with great special effects. I think the ratings in the paper gave it two and a half stars out of four. I would agree ... not outstanding but good nonetheless. What ever happened to the fairy tales of our youth?
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