Sunday, April 7, 2013

To whom do I pledge my allegiance?

     I shared at liturgies that the above question, as well as "Who do I belong to?" are key to our celebration of Easter.  They are questions rooted in the reality of relationship and are of vital importance.

     In this great nation of our, despite of protestations of freedoms and independence, we readily pledge our allegiance to the flag of our great country and to the Republic for which it stands.  We do so because we cherish what it stands for.  We do so because we recognize the cost in blood that has been paid to bring about that Republic.  We do so because we see how blessed we are.

    If we can do so for a wonderful yet less than perfect institution that has been around for just over two hundred years, can we not pledge our allegiance and declare our participation in the life of Christ that has been our right for the past 2,000 years, since that first Easter, and which has its roots for thousands of more years in the heritage of the children of Abraham.  Can we not see the vital importance in declaring ourselves before the world to be for the Lord?  Now is the time, this is the moment, to stand and be counted, to declare ourselves, to pledge our allegiance to someone greater than flag and country.

     The Collect for this Second Sunday of Easter in part asks the Lord to increase the grace given,
"...that all may grasp and rightly understand
in what font they have been washed,
by whose Spirit they have been reborn,
by whose Blood they have been redeemed."
     We have been washed clean of our sins through the font and waters of baptism ... dealing with our frailty, our sinfulness, our weakness, our death.  We have been set free.  We have received the Spirit of the Living God through which we have been called to new life, one that is not limited in any way but one that is indeed eternal.  It is the Spirit of the Risen Christ that has given us this new lease on life.  And we have been redeemed through the Blood of the Lamb, the death of Jesus on that Cross, the unselfish, genuine, total act of love for us, thereby paying the price for our transgressions.
     Is there any way that we can negate this tremendous gift given to us and celebrated on this Mercy Sunday in the great Easter Season?

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