Thursday, June 12, 2014

Disproving a myth

     There is an old saying that lightning does not strike the same place twice.  Events last evening in our area seemed to say that this saying is not necessarily accurate.

     We had some strong storms go through the region early last evening and in the midst of one, lightning struck the house of one of our staff members at the parish, our Stewardship Minister, Julie.  She and her family were at a Girl Scout ceremony at the parish when they received a call from a neighbor that the house had been struck and there was a roof fire.  They rushed home to find a host of fire and emergency personnel at work on the house.  Thank God no one was hurt, and their dog, Critter, who was the only one at home at the time, was finally found frightened and hiding.  She made the TV news.  The fire damage is minimal, but there was lots of water and smoke damage to the house, all of which can be repaired.  Julie and her family are grateful, to God and friends and neighbors and family, and so are we at the office for the safety of all.

     Now to the point.  While they have lived in this house for only about a year, they were told yesterday that this house was struck before by lightning a few years ago.  Some places have all the luck!  And so much for the old saying that lightning does not strike the same place twice.

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