Sunday, July 16, 2017

Our Blessing

     For the past two years we in the Diocese of Greensburg have been blessed with the friendship and ministry of our shepherd, Bishop Edward Malesic.  He came to us at the invitation of Pope Francis from a ministry of pastoring a wonderful small parish in York Haven, Pennsylvania, in the Diocese of Harrisburg.  He was in the midst of building a new church building for that family.  I know that there was difficulty in leaving his good friends and neighbors at Holy Infants Parish.

     When he came to us, he did so as a pastor and a friend.  He embraced this Community of Faith as his own, and has immersed himself in the personal, everyday joys and challenges of life.  He brings wisdom (as evidenced by his acceptance of my retirement request!) and humor, warmth and joy to every encounter.  He is a good teacher and a wonderful listener.  As I said at the beginning, we are blessed.

     This past Thursday marked the second anniversary of his ordination as our bishop.  He celebrated the anniversary with a Mass at the Cathedral, along with the prayers of so many of the people of this Diocese.

Before Mass with Deacon Bill Hisker (my H.S. classmate) and soon to be deacon Dan Carr.

     The bishop immerses himself in his work.  Just this week, he celebrated a great Youth Honors Mass at the Cathedral last Sunday afternoon that I attended.  He pointed out as he so often does, that these young people are not "the future of the Church", but that they ARE the Church.  We had five from Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish honored (I call them the "gang of five" - five great youngsters who are a blessing to the Church).

 Alex Kohanec, Sarah Rickard, Mark Downey, Jenn Henry & Paige Thornburg.

     The bishop is embarking on an educational campaign on the opioid crisis facing society and the Church, with a Pastoral Letter and a series of regional meetings that began this week.  He is promoting Vocations through Saint Andrew dinners, is meeting with various groups and folks, and yesterday ordained to the Transitional Diaconate a fine young man, Dan Carr, who has been studying in Rome and will continue to prepare for priesthood, God willing, next year.

Deacon Daniel Carr and Bishop Malesic.

     My gratitude to Bishop Malesic for his Shepherd's Heart, and our thanks to God for the blessing that we have received.

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