Monday, June 2, 2014

What do we do now?

     The closest followers of Jesus had reluctantly just said their goodbye's as he was taken up into heaven before their eyes and they mulled over his promise to send an Advocate, the Paraclete, his Spirit.  They recalled that he told them to go and wait in anticipation for this gift.  They were not sure what was going to happen, or even when, but they placed their trust and hope in his promise.  But in the intervening time ... what do we do?

     They found their answer in the example of their teacher and Lord - they gathered in the comfort and strength of family, their community of believers, their friends and companions ... and they devoted themselves to prayer.  It was not the time to teach or be taught, to feed or to heal, to go out or to minister.  Now was the time to wait and to pray.  And that prayer was one of gratitude and expectant faith, of trust and of hope.

     In these days between the Ascension of our Lord and the great Feast of Pentecost, this is what we should be about.  What do we do now?  We pray as family, we live in hope, and we await an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us.  Come Holy Spirit.

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