As our Lenten journey continues, the Gospel for this Tuesday of the First Week of Lenrt is taken from chapter 6 of Matthew (Matthew 6:7-15).
Jesus speaks of praying. He warns that praying is not simply the multiplication of words or "babbling like the pagans". Still, I'm sure that you have heard someone, even a priest (maybe even myself) babble on in prayer. We have a good priest in our house who is into brevity, and when the prayer chosen is the long form, or if the presider is expansive, will audible sigh (reminding us to cut it short).
Jesus in today's Gospel gives us "the perfect prayer". He shared it with his followers when they asked him to give them a prayer that would identify them to him. This was a common practice among teachers - to share their charism or gift (the Chaplet of Saint Faustina ... the Prayer of Saint Francis ... etc).
Jesus says, when you pray:
a) remember who you are addressing: Our Father in heaven, you are holy!
b) acknowledge God's plan and your place in it: Your kingdom come, here as in heaven!
c) place yourself before him in supplication: Give us what we need - our earthly needs of daily bread and our spirotual need of forgiveness!
d) willingly place yourself within his plan: We will share with others and we will forgive those who trespass against us!
e) express your heart's desire: Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil!
To this perfect prayer we add our AMEN!
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