I dislike shopping, as I have told you before. And yet, yesterday I entered into the fray of post Christmas shopping, and being the savvy shopper that I am, I came across a bargain that I could not pass up. A friend of mine had an unusual item for sale and was willing to part with it for half price. It was a great deal, so, on impulse, I told him to hold it for me. Before checking on local ordinances, or where we would put the item, for 50% off of the going rate, I bought ... a camel! I wanted a donkey as well, but it went before I could get there. Luckily this camel is a small version that will not eat me out of house and home. It will be much appreciated by the Magi that have had to trek to Bethlehem these past few years by foot or by hitch hiking, which we know can be dangerous. Besides, they look tired.

The camel will, of course, just about complete our creche scene in the church (except for the donkey). My friend who called is Tom Merhaut, whose family owns a Religious Goods Store on Route 8 in Allison Park - www.merhaut.com. They have a great selection at their store and in their catalogue, and are always eager to help. Tom and the family have been friends for years.
So, now I have joined the impulsive shoppers league, seeking the savvy shopper recognition, and have become the proud owner of a camel. What more could I ask?
Today the church remembers Saint Thomas Becket,
the Archbishop of Canterbury during the reign
of Henry II of England.
Becket is a champion of the rights of the Church
over the State. His story is fascinating, and is told
in the story "Murder in the Cathedral" by T.S. Eliot
and in the play by Jean Anouilh "Becket"
which was made into a movie most recently in 1964
with Richard Burton and Peter O'Toole.
When I was in the seminary we put on the
Jean Anouilh production (I was a French knight).
Read the play, watch the movie, get the Cliff Notes ...
it is a great story.