Thursday, September 29, 2011

Name recognition

     There is power in the names of the ones who came in the Name of the Lord.  Today is the feast of the Archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.  These heavenly beings are champions and heralds and healers.  They do the bidding of the One who sent them.

     Michael is the champion of God.  The scriptures describe the great struggle in heaven between the "light bearer" - Lucifer and the one "who is like God" ... who is the "gift from God" - Michael.  Needless to say, Michael and the hosts of heaven were victorious, and he became the champion of God.

     Gabriel was the spokesperson of God.  He is the herald of good news, the announcer of the Incarnation, the bringer of glad tidings.  He is the "hero of God", "God's able-bodied one".  His word of good news brings out the very best in the hearer.  Mary's YES is the ultimate proof.

     Raphael was the messenger who brought healing and new sight to those afflicted.  He is "God's healer", and proof that "God has healed".

     O God ...graciously grant that our life on earth may be defended by those who watch over us as they minister to you perpetually in heaven.


Please pray for the repose of the soul of
the retired Archbishop of New Orleans,
who died last evening.
He was 98 years old, and had been a bishop for 55 years.
Those of you old enough may remember him from
John Kennedy's funeral.
He was the last U.S. bishop to have attended
all four sessions of Vatican Council II.

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