Monday, March 28, 2011

As Promised

     As I promised yesterday, in light of the 30th anniversary of the dedication of our parish church, I would like to share today the Preface of the Mass of Dedication of a Church taken from the Sacramentary.  I found it enlightening.  I hope you will as well.

          Father, all-powerful and ever living God,
we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.
The whole world is your temple,
shaped to resound with your name.
Yet you also allow us to dedicate to your service
places designed for your worship.
With hearts full of joy
we consecrate to your glory
this work of our hands, this house of prayer.
Here is foreshadowed the mystery of your true temple;
this church is the image on earth of your heavenly city.
For you made the body of your Son
born of the Virgin,
a temple consecrated to your glory,
the dwelling place of your godhead in all its fullness.
You have established the Church as your holy city,
founded on the apostles,
with Jesus Christ its cornerstone.
You continue to build your Church with chosen stones,
enlivened by the Spirit,
and cemented together by love.
In that holy city you will be all in all for endless ages,
and Christ will be its light forever.
Through Christ we praise you, Lord,
with all the angels and saints in their song of joy.

     The dedication of Church is much more than setting aside buildings for worship.  It is about joining with the saints and angels in singing the praises of God in lives of service and deep love.   Thanks to all of you for being "church" for me.

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