In his most recent post, Rocco Palmo of Whispers in the Loggia mentioned that yesterday began what was formally called Passiontide. His is one of my favorite blogs. Two weeks in length, Passiontide saw a change in tone in prayer and scripture, beginning to focus more directly upon the events of the week that we call holy. It was an opportunity to redirect our thoughts and Lenten efforts in a more intense way. In today's Church, we begin that focusing with Palm Sunday.
But tonight in our area we begin refocusing through a series of regional Lenten Penance Services. We begin tonight at our parish of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Our area priests (there are five of us) will be joined by a number of monks from Saint Vincent Archabbey to be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. People will gather over the next week to seek the healing power of God in their lives, and to prepare their hearts for the Easter Triduum. There will be abundant grace poured into the fold of our garments.
I have chosen the reading of Joel the prophet from the Hebrew Scriptures that we heard at the beginning of Lent. It is a call to gather and celebrate the glorious love of God. It is fittingly a good reminder to make these next number of days full of grace ... for this is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand.
To those who come, peace.
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