Friday, October 26, 2012

A real milestone

     On a Friday in March of 2011 (the 11th of March), I sat down with friends, set up Journey Thoughts, and shared my first post.  Here is what I said:


      As Lent begins, so does my entry into the world of blogging.  It has been my desire to share my thoughts through this medium for a while now.  Finally, on this first Friday of Lent, a good friend and fellow blogger, Michael Ripple, got me set up.  I am  grateful.  He and his son Isaac are visiting.

     I hope to share my thoughts on a variety of experiences and issues that touch my life.  I have always referred to our sojourn as a follower of Christ as a journey, truly a journey of a lifetime.  The Good news that speaks of God's blessings is too important to be kept quiet.  I will endeavor to share my blessings with you.  I hope that you find my posts challenging and inspiring.

     And on this Friday, October 26th, 2012 (595 days later), I am overjoyed to post this 500th post of Journey Thoughts.  I have found the experience to be refreshing and renewing.  I have attempted to be true to those words of March 11th, and am humbled by the response to this blog of a simple parish priest.

Yours truly at the office computer

     I have been blessed in these last thirty-nine years of priesthood with opportunities to preach and teach, to give talks and to share ideas, and through the media to provide a short weekly radio program for over ten years from the mid eighties thru the mid nineties called "That You May Believe", to share Scripture reflections on the Diocesan Web Site, and of course, Journey Thoughts.

     There is one thing of note that has changed ... I am now using a larger font (which has nothing to do with age or eyesight!).   I pledge to continue, and I thank those who have checked Journey Thoughts out, and many thanks to my loyal followers.  Blessings to you all!

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