On this Thanksgiving Day, we as a nation and we as the Children of God, pause to give thanks to the Lord. The prayer of the Church, found in the Preface for Thanksgiving Day in the United States, is as follows.
It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord.
You have entrusted to us
the great gift of freedom,
a gift that calls forth
responsibility and commitment
to the truth that all have
a fundamental dignity before you.
In Jesus, through his Death and Resurrection,
we find our ultimate redemption,
freedom from sin,
and every blessing.
And so, with hearts full of love,
we join the angels,
today and every day of our lives,
to sing your glory ...
The Roman Missal, 3rd Edition
Preface for Thanksgiving Day
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with family and friends ... and do not allow yourself to be caught up in the "black friday" shopping frenzy.