Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Catholic Heart Work Camp - 2

     I mentioned in yesterday's post the Catholic Heart Work Camp meeting at the Bishop Bosco Center in our area.  These youngsters give up a week of their summer to join in an adventure of service and lived faith.  While staying at the school and "camping out", they spend the days working in a variety of settings.  This year the work sites include: Westmoreland County Food Bank, American Red Cross, Greensburg YMCA, Saint Vincent de Paul Society, 3 chapters of Faith in Action, Bridge to Recovery, Briarcliff Pavilion, Meals on Wheels referrals, Saint Emma Monastery, Area Agency on Aging, and the pastoral ministry referrals of Immaculate Conception and Saint Agnes Parishes.  They help those who are elderly, the disadvantaged or the disabled in various areas of the community and in Westmoreland County.

     In addition, they share prayer with daily Mass, a program tonight of Eucharistic Adoration and Praise and Worship, a "Four Corners" experience on Wednesday that includes Reconciliation, and a "testimonial" program on Thursday that involves clients and participating agencies.  What a program ... what a week ... what great kids!


     Last evening I made my annual journey to Saint Sebastian in Belle Vernon for the anniversary Mass for the Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group - the Valley of Hope.  When I arrived in Belle Vernon in the summer of 1975 there was a group just forming a prayer group.  Being involved in the Renewal, we worked together to provide an opportunity for Charismatic Prayer in the mid Mon Valley.  Yesterday was the 36th anniversary, and I was glad to be with many old and many new friends.

     I say this more of myself than of those there last evening, but boy are we aging!  Our numbers are fewer, having lost a good number of the "original" group.  And we are beginning to look our age.  But when you are with friends, who cares.

     Waiting to go into Mass, I gentleman walked by on his way to a meeting.  He said hello, then had a moment of recognition and said: "You're Father Len, aren't you?"  He said that he had just checked out JOURNEY THOUGHTS.  I thanked him.  I also got to say hello to my ordination mate and pastor of Saint Sebastian, Monsignor Roger Statnick.  I was a good evening.

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