Sunday, March 10, 2013

Our rollercoaster weather

     For the past couple of weeks I have been awakened by the chirping of a bird outside my bedroom window.  It is a great sound that speaks of Spring.  Then I look out and generally see clouds and gloom, and my day is shot.

     I am convinced that through the month of February the local TV stations taped the weather forecasters and replayed the same segment every other day. During February we seemed to have another cold front come through the area every other day, bring the threat of ice and snow (not much - an inch or two) but just enough to be inconvenient and make us more desirable of Spring finally arriving.

     This past Wednesday the forecasters said the we would be on the edge of a major snow storm coming from the South.  Those South of us (where my sister lives about an hour South) would be dumped upon, receiving a load of snow.  In our area, maybe an inch or two.  Just to the North, very little accumulation.  Wednesday morning arrived and where my sister lives got an inch or so and we received at least nine inches of snow by Noon.  At least it melted quickly.

     Today it was sunny and 71 degrees, with very little snow remaining.

     I was never a big roller coaster fan.  And believe me, I do not like this weather roller coaster that we have been on lately.  I am ready for Spring, for sunshine and for warm weather.  Tradition says that we still need to have our "onion snow" that happens near the feast of Saint Joseph (called "onion snow" because it happens after the onion sets are planted, so I am told).  All I know is that the local groundhog legend, Phil, who predicted an early Spring, better be correct ... or else I might be tempted by groundhog stew.

Our prayers for the selection of a new Holy Father
continue to come from our hearts.
The choice is always an important one
for the Church,
but maybe more so in these days
when faith and trust in God
is placed on the level of the unimportant
in the lives of so many people.
Come, Holy Spirit!
Enlighten and guide us.
Give us a true shepherd for your people.

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