Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Reliving the past

     This afternoon I attended a regional workshop for priests sponsored by the Diocese on chant in the new liturgy.  I was not looking forward to attending, since I have a hard time staying on tune, and thus do not sing solo very often.  But the time was well spent and enjoyable, and brought back memories of chant practice in my seminary days.  Father Cyprian of Saint Vincent Archabbey led us through the session.

     If you remember the "old days" of the pre-Vatican II liturgy, there was the sung High Mass and the more simple recited Low Mass.  After the Council those distinctions did not come into play, and there was a melding of both forms - a prayed liturgy with various amounts of singing.

     The 3rd edition of the Roman Missal seems to be recommending more sung parts, with chant as an excellent way to accomplish this.  We'll see what happens.  It is easy when you have a voice like Father Cyprian, but if you don't ...  it was a better afternoon than I thought.


     In reading Rocco Palmo's post in Whispers, I had not realized that the 11th of October (today) marks the 49th anniversary of the first session of the Second Vatican Council.  The Council lasted four years, and assembled the bishops of the world to look at the Church.  Councils are few and far between, and this day in 1962 was met with excitement and uncertainty.  The vision of Blessed John XXIII was simple and refreshing.  His words were fatherly and pastoral.  His love was contagious.

     Blessed John Paul II declared him a "blessed" and set today (October 11th) as his remembrance.  Good Pope John, pray for the Church.  And for those who are too young to remember ... he was a good guy who awakened the Church to her role in shaping the future.

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