In today's reading from Acts (Acts 13:44-52) this truth is revealed in the actions of the early Church. The results were rejoicing by some, persecution inflicted by others. Not everyone hears the truth or understands it clearly. But for those that do, those who lay aside their fears or prejudices, those who open mind and heart to the gift of God - awesome things happen. Jesus assures us in the gospel of John (Jn. 14:7-14) that "whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father." All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God, and so we rejoice.
If you have watched the news or read the paper, there are some that predict that the world will end today. I hope that you are ready. There have been such predictions since the beginning of time, and people have lived in fear and dread for all too long.
Jesus assures us that no one knows the day nor the hour, only the Father. Rather than dwell on the "end", dwell rather upon living out your relationship to God through his Son, Jesus Christ. There is no need to run away in fear, or lock ourselves up for protection. If we live our lives deeply in love with the Lord, then whenever the "end" comes, it will be a wonderful experience of coming home and basking in his love.
So, if it happens, we'll see you at home ... and no post tomorrow; and if it doesn't - we"ll see you in church for Mass. Whatever happens, we will be with the Lord and sing his praises.
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