I was struck in this Easter season and especially in a number of the prayers found in the Roman Missal this week, with the invitation to expand our horizons, to go where no man has gone before, to soar to heights that are unreachable, and to do so in the Name and Spirit of the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.
Monday's Collect says: Grant that we "transcending the likeness of our earthly parentage, may be transformed in the image of our heavenly maker." The Prayer after Communion states that we "may attain in the flesh the incorruptible glory of the resurrection."
Wednesday's Collect says that "through the restoration of its original dignity, human nature has received the hope of rising again" and that what we "celebrate in faith we may possess in unending love." That days' Prayer after Communion prays that we may "pass from former ways to newness of life."
And again on Thursday the Collect reminds us that through Christ's likeness to us we are brought reconciliation with each other and through his equality to the Father we are freed from our sins.
We are called in these Easter mysteries to not accept the ordinary about ourselves, to look beyond the limitations that we and others place upon ourselves, and to open ourselves to the wonderful glory and love of God.
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