Friday, March 2, 2012


     I am sure that you have heard of deathbed conversions, the famous stories of notorious sinners who wait till the last moment to confess their evil ways to get into heaven under the wire.  How many such stories there are or how true they are I have no knowledge.  I will say, though, that deathbed conversions are possible, but not very likely.  If you wait to "hedge your bet", knowing that your sinful life apart from God is something that you can get away with as long as you are lucky enough to time confession just right, you have lost your bet.

     God is ready and willing to forgive, to restore to life those who were lost, to bring the promise of baptism to life within the truly repentant individual. But that repentance cannot be delayed or put off to accommodate a lifestyle not in touch with the Lord.  Then you are playing games, a game that is deadly indeed.  As soon as you realize the error of your ways, your heart demands an immediate response.  And when you repent and turn your life around, he offers life over death.

    And the reverse is true as well.  If you live a good life and then decide to "step out on the wild side", resting on the laurels of the built up grace within your life to see you through, you are playing with fire.  A lapse he can deal with ... a planned lapse he will not tolerate.

    Ezekiel today has the people say, "The Lord's way is not fair!" to which the Lord replies "Is it my way that is unfair, or rather, are not your ways unfair?"  God is ready to forgive, to extend mercy, to offer life ... but he will not play our games.  May we CHOOSE LIFE!

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